1. Hillandale Waltzes by Victor Babin - Simple theme presents framework for a set of waltz variations.
2. Wings by Joan Tower- The first note appears from nothing, but the subdued beginning does not last for long.
3. Tricolor Capers by Eric Mandat (also, 5th mvmt of Folk Songs)- Contemporary sounding yet accessible to a broad range of listeners, this piece incorporates extended techniques such as semi-tones and multiphonics.
4. Premiere Rhapsody by Claude Debussy
Sample of Recordings from past performances by Dr. d'Alessio (Rebecca Tout d'Alessio). Find the below links at http://msamusic.weebly.com/
Hillandale Waltzes by Victor Babin - Rebecca Tout, Clarinet and Andrew Campbell, Piano 2002
Premiere Rhapsody by Claude Debussy - Rebecca Tout, Clarinet and Linda Halloin, piano 2004
Carnival of Venice by Paul Jeanjean - Rebecca Tout, Clarinet and Linda Halloin, Piano 2004
Below are a few of my performances of solo works by Eric Mandat, the incredible subject of my doctoral paper.
Folk Songs - Rebecca Tout, Clarinet
Tricolor Capers - Rebecca Tout, Clarinet
The Jungle - Rebecca Tout, Clarinet
The recordings below are from a concert in Ankara, Turkey in January of 2005. The hall was FREEZING, and I stupidly had not brought a shorter barrel for the tour (which meant that I would sound flat, which is very difficult/impossible to correct). But after adding a small heater to the stage next to me, plus filling the hall with warm bodies, this turned out to be my favorite performance of this performance tour. What a treat to travel around Turkey playing works by Brahms with wonderful friends (Ben Moritz, piano and Ozgur Elgin, cello).
Mendelssohn Concertpiece No. 2, in part - Rebecca Tout, Clarinet
Brahms Sonata No. 2, mvmt 1 - Rebecca Tout, Clarinet
Brahms Sonata No. 2, mvmt 2 - Rebecca Tout, Clarinet
Brahms Sonata No. 2, mvmts 3 and 4 - Rebecca Tout, Clarinet
Brahms Trio, Movement 1 - Rebecca Tout, Clarinet
Brahms Trio, Movement 2 - Rebecca Tout, Clarinet
Trio, Movement 3 - Rebecca Tout, Clarinet
Trio, Movement 4 - Rebecca Tout, Clarinet
Benjamin Goddard piece used for encore, originally for cello, violin and piano - Rebecca Tout, Clarinet
Wings by Joan Tower - Rebecca Tout, Clarinet 2002
Rondino by Beethoven - Rebecca Tout, 1st Clarinet 2001
Introduction, Theme and Varitations by Rossini - Rebecca Tout, Clarinet
Nielsen Wind Quintet, Op. 43 - 1999 - Rebecca Tout, Clarinet; Eric Egle, horn; Sarah Andrews, flute; Clara, oboe; Kent, bassoon
Sonata No. 2 by Devienne - Rebecca Tout, Clarinet and Gail Novak, Piano 2000
Poulenc Sonata for Clarinet and Piano, Movement 1 - Rebecca Tout, Clarinet and Linda Halloin, Piano
Poulenc Sonata for Clarinet and Piano, Movement 2 - Rebecca Tout, Clarinet and Linda Halloin, Piano
Poulenc Sonata for Clarinet and Piano, Movement 3 - Rebecca Tout, Clarinet and Linda Halloin, Piano
Brahms Sonata No. 1 in f, Movement 1 - Rebecca Tout, Clarinet
Brahms Sonata No. 1 in f, Movements 2 and 3 - Rebecca Tout, Clarinet and Linda Halloin, Piano 2004
Sonata No. 1 in f, Movement 4 - Rebecca Tout, Clarinet and Linda Halloin, Piano 2004
A Set of Clarinet by Donald Martino - Rebecca Tout, Clarinet at Bradley University Alumni Recital
Saint Saens Sonata, Movement 1 - Rebecca Tout, Clarinet and Linda Halloin, Piano 2004
Saint Saens Sonata, Movement 2 - Rebecca Tout, Clarinet and Linda Halloin, Piano 2004
Saint Saens Sonata, Movements 3 and 4 - Rebecca Tout, Clarinet and Linda Halloin, Piano
The last 1:25 of Weber's Second Concerto (Movement 3) with a Wisconsin HS band is just plain good fun. As is the Bumblebee. I was determined to double tongue as much as I could, but man is it easier to slur!
Weber Concert No. 2, Movement 3 - Rebecca Tout, Clarinet with a Wisconsin High School Band
Flight of the Bumble Bee - Rebecca Tout, Clarinet with a Wisconsin High School Band
Corker by Libby Larsen - Rebecca Tout, Clarinet and Tim Kiefer, Drumset
Three Studies on Flight by Russel Riepe - Rebecca Tout, Clarinet
Three Studies on Flight by Russel Riepe, 2 - Rebecca Tout, Clarinet
Three Studies on Flight by Russel Riepe, 3 - Rebecca Tout, Clarinet
Sonatina by Bohuslav Martinu - Rebecca Tout, Clarinet and Linda Halloin, Piano
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